I read something the other day saying that having no taste, or liking everything (in terms of music and movies and such) is worst than having bad taste. It worried me for what had to be a good whole two seconds before I realized I didn't really care, but it did get me thinking about things I dislike.
I dislike a lot of things. Like people, for instance. Okay, fine, I guess that's not true, it just feels that way some times. Like when I go to the mall, or a restaurant, or am watching reality tv, or driving my car. Really any time I am either out in public, or interacting/watching any members of the human species. But I digress...
A lot of times the things I dislike, some may agree with, but some may object. Its a good thing I don't care what you think then. I am not saying if I dislike something, you should too, because many times there is a legitimate reason for me to dislike it, other times, I just think its annoying.
So here, in no particular order, some things I dislike...
1.) "Butterfly" by Crazytown or any other piece of crap song this crappy band made.
2.) "Finding Nemo" - I know, everyone loves this movie, but I thought it was boring and everyone made me watch it sooo many times that it has officially made the dislike list.
3.) Olives
4.) Techno music - Yeah, that beat was cool for the first couple minutes. Wait, this is a different song? Could have fooled me.
5.) Renee Zelleweger - If you need an explanation, you have obviously never seen any of her movies.
6.) Talking in the morning - I am not a morning person. I will not make mindless chitchat with you about nothing in the morning, that takes effort I am not willing to expend.
7.) People who talk to me on an airplane - Most of the time I fly at ridiculously early times (see above), but most likely, I just don't want to talk to you, stranger, I'd rather listen to my music.
8.) Matthew McConaughey, even without a shirt - You are too tan and your accent is annoying. I don't care how ripped you are, every movie you make is the same.
9.) Republicans - But we should respect everyone's opinion. No. If you believe that the government should have less control over people's lives then tell gay people they can't marry and women what they should do with their bodies, I will not respect you nor will I like you. (Don't even get me started on the likes of Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter)
10.) Sarah Palin and her supporters - Not only do I dislike her, I also dislike her followers for liking her. "I can see Russia from my house..."
11.) People who don't get sarcasm (except people whose first language is not English, they get a free pass).
12.) Ferrets - I will never understand why people keep this disgusting and smelly creature as a pet.
13.) Nicholas Cage's acting, hair, and voice, in that order. Needs no explanation.
14.) The real housewives of any county or city. All these women have too much money and too much time on their hands. Go donate it to charity and stop being so dramatic.
15.) "Hey Soul Sister" by Train - what is this song even about? I don't even care to listen to it because its title is so lame.
16.) Actors who try to become singers (and vice versa) - just because they have the money and the name recognition, doesn't mean they have the talent.
17.) Denise Richards - The only thing I have ever liked her in was "Drop Dead Gorgeous" and that was only because her horrible acting added to the character.
18.) 50 Cent - Talking in a monotone voice is not rapping.
19.) The majority of music without lyrics - I get bored easily and I like to sing along. This holds especially true at jam band concerts, I don't want to hear a 10 minute drum solo, fine, great, I get it. You can play the drums, that's why you're in a band.
20.) People who cheat on their spouses with less attractive people - yeah, I should probably say people who cheat on their spouses, but let's be honest, if my spouse is going to cheat, I would prefer that it would be with a more attractive person than me, because that at least would make sense.
21.) Wearing socks at inappropriate times - I'll let you know if this one ever comes up...
Bovine Ponderings
9 years ago