I have officially been in New York City for 4 whole weeks! Although I miss everyone a ton, I'm adjusting to life here pretty well. I have a bed of my own to sleep in and a full-time job that will hopefully get me a position in this year's Thanksgiving Day parade! I'm becoming fairly good at subway travel. I no longer almost topple over when standing on the train(although some lady did tonight on the commute home which was rather hilarious). I also figured out which directions the numbers run on the streets which is extremely helpful. The only things I am lacking that would make me a true New Yorker is a bitchy demeanor and an uninterested facial expression (but I guess that would come with the demeanor). I think I'll stick with my midwestern wholesomeness if I can help it though.
I have seen some pretty crazy stuff living here that actually remind me of Madison, such as the man swimming in the fountain outside the Chase building in his shorts and sneakers. After a nice workout he managed to evade the police and security guards by running down 6th Avenue in the middle of rush hour. Damn hippies! I've also seen more people wearing sunglasses indoors (on the subway and in stores) than I ever thought possible. Why these people think they look good is beyond me. It must be some cool thing that I just don't get because I'm not nearly hipster or rich enough to understand.
The pictures attached to this post are of the happy fountain-swimming man, David Blaine's extremely lame "stunt" (seriously, is it even a stunt when you stop for coffee whenever you feel like it and sit up all the time?), and the Empire State Building with its green lights for Eid. Enjoy! I miss you!